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LHDN Onboarding Instructions

Once you have completed the sign-in process, you can access the portal, and the first step is the Onboarding Process. Each field corresponds to a piece of business information that the user needs to provide during onboarding. The values for each field are stored as either strings, or in the case of the digital signature, as a file (null if no file is uploaded). The format is designed to capture all the necessary details for e-invoicing compliance, while keeping everything structured in a consistent, machine-readable way.

Onboarding Fields:


  1. Peppol Network Usage:

    • Field: peppolNetworkUsage
    • This field captures whether the user will use the Peppol network for invoice transactions.
    • It can take values such as "Yes" or "No", based on the user’s selection.
    • Example Value: "No"
  2. TIN Number:

    • Field: tinNumber
    • This field is for entering the Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN).
    • If the user leaves it blank or enters a number, that value is stored.
    • Example Value: "" (blank in this case)
  3. BRN Number:

    • Field: brnNumber
    • This field collects the Business Registration Number (BRN) for the user’s business.
    • Example Value: "" (blank in this case)
  4. SST Registration Number:

    • Field: sstRegistrationNumber
    • This field captures the SST (Sales and Services Tax) Registration Number for businesses that are registered for SST.
    • Example Value: "" (left blank in this case)
  5. Tourism Tax Registration Number:

    • Field: tourismTaxRegistrationNumber
    • This field is optional and is used to input the Tourism Tax Registration Number.
    • If the user doesn't have one or it doesn't apply, this field can remain blank.
    • Example Value: "" (optional, left blank)
  6. Digital Signature:

    • Field: digitalSignature
    • This field allows the user to upload their digital signature file.
    • If no file is uploaded, the value is null.
    • Example Value: null
  7. Digital Signature PIN:

    • Field: digitalSignaturePin
    • This field captures the PIN for the digital signature, provided by the user.
    • Example Value: "" (left blank here)
  8. Company Name:

    • Field: companyName
    • This is where the user enters the name of their company.
    • Example Value: "" (left blank here)
  9. Branch Name:

    • Field: branchName
    • This field captures the name of the branch for which the user is onboarding.
    • Example Value: "" (left blank here)
  10. Branch Address:

    • Field: branchAddress
    • This field is for entering the branch address.
    • Example Value: "" (left blank here)
  11. Country:

    • Field: country
    • This dropdown field allows the user to select their country. It’s pre-selected to "Malaysia".
    • Example Value: "Malaysia"

    Once you’ve filled out all required fields, click the Onboard button to complete the LHDN onboarding process. Ensure all information is accurate to avoid delays.